The IsatPhone can email or SMS the user's GPS position to recipients or a Twitter feed. The received GPS position email or Twitter 'tweet' can be pasted into one of the blocks below to see where the Zippisat IsatPhone satellite phone user was sending the message from. The GPS position will either be in decimal format, or DMS format, depending on the method it was sent with:
Type or Copy/Paste your email/SMS Person Alert GPS string (Decimal format) into the GPS Fix block:
Example Personal Alert GPS fix message (decimal format):
Type or Copy/Paste your email/SMS GPS string (DMS format) into the GPS Fix block:
Example IsatPhone GPS menu message (DMS format):
You can test with this example if you don't have an IsatPhonePRO or IsatPhone2 yet. Or if you receive an GPS SMS, you can use the example as a template and alter the co-ordinates accordingly:
GPS fix Lat: S 33 54' 12'' Long: E 18 24' 40'' Time: 12:02:10 UTC Date: 22-05-2011 Altitude: 5 m Velocity: 0 km/h Accuracy Horiz: 4 m Vert: 6 m Please note your reply is limited to 160 characters. Sent via Inmarsat. The mobile satellite company